Kata-Kata Dari Film Harry Potter

-Kebenaran itu indah dan mengerikan dan karenanya harus diperlakukan dengan amat hati-hati.
-Persembahkan kepadaku bukti sakitmu, Persembahkan kepadaku buah usahamu, Persembahkan kepadaku harta masa lalumu.

-Usiklah misteri-misteri terdalam sumber hidup, esensi diri-hanya jika kau telah siap menanggung konsekuensi paling ekstrem dan paling berbahaya.

-Sesuatu yang indah dimana kita bisa menghilangkan kenangan perih yang amat mendalam.

-Magic always leave traces, sometimes very distinctive.

-Time and space matter in magic. (severus snape)

-There is no spell that can truly bring the dead back to life, however several cases of dead people becoming half-alive are known.

-Love is treated as a branch of magic, although it does not seem to be something that easily controlled, rising unbidden from emotion itself.

-Manusia dilihat bukan dari keluarga mana dia dilahirkan, tapi akan jadi apa setelah dia dilahirkan.

-Pilihan kitalah yang jauh lebih menunjukan siapa diri kita sebenarnya, dibandingkan kemampuan kita.

-Kebahagiaan dapat ditemukan, bahkan di saat-saat paling kelam, asalkan seseorang ingat untuk menghidupkan sisi terangnya.

-Sesuatu yang hilang punya cara sendiri untuk kembali kepada kita pada akhirnya, walaupun dengan cara yang tidak kita duga.
(Luna Lovegood, ending of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)

to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure
Albus Dumbledore

It is our choices Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities
Albus Dumbledore

Hasn’t your experience with the Time-Turner taught you anything, Harry? The consequences of our actions are always so complicated
Albus Dumbledore

You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us? You think we don’t recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble? Your father is alive in you, Harry, and shows himself plainly when you have need of him
Albus Dumbledore

You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow up to be!
Albus Dumbledore

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